The Importance of PPC Remarketing Services for Lead Generation

Research shows that almost 97% of visitors who reach your site and even spend some time there for the first time, leave without buying anything. If you are planning something to bring them back, these visitors are lost forever. For any business, large or small losing customers or leads, or visitors is terrible. In this highly competitive market, each and every visitor is important. The productive way out in this condition is remarketing services or PPC remarketing. Remarketing campaigns are exclusively designed for attracting previous website visitors and reminding them of the products or services they were showing interest in.

Buying decisions are big decisions for customers

Before a customer decides to buy a product or hire a service online, they want to know you well. Of course, branding is highly beneficial in this condition but old visitors need reassurance. The general rule of thumb is to help customers message 7-10 times in different ways. It convinces your presence and assures the utility of your product. Remarketing does this job efficiently. It enhances the visibility of your brand quite a fold allowing you to convince your audience that has expressed interest in your brand previously. Retargeting is cost-effective in comparison to other types of advertising. With the help of the most modern form of technologies like AI and Big Data, digital marketing experts like NEURONIMBUS can even create custom remarketing campaigns.

Productive Remarketing campaigns

A professional remarketing agency will help you design an effective strategy in this discipline. They would consider several parameters like the targeted demography, product types, pricing, other promotional campaigns in the funnel, and consumer behavior in your online market landscape. Most productive remarketing campaigns include –

1. Google Remarketing campaigns

When you activate Google remarketing, they place a small piece of code called “tag” to your website. This tag can track a visitor’s activity to your site. Google remarketing can track the activity of the visitors related to your business on other platforms as well like when the visitor uses YouTube or social media to find your product or any product of your type. Goggle remarketing will then serve them with ads related to those products or your brand when they visit your site once again or use other channels for any other purposes where you are permitted to place advertisements.

2. Social media remarketing campaigns

Social media platforms as a whole are the most popular part of the internet. Billions of social media users stay active on social media like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram at any point in time. Social media remarketing works in a similar way like any remarketing campaign but the custom ads are shown only on the respective social media. Your digital marketing and remarketing service provider will create the necessary setup in this regard.

3. Instant remarketing campaigns

This is another way to entice your customers who might have shown interest in a product but checking out or are about to leave the site without making any decision. Instant remarketing is a great way to remind a visitor or customer that they are leaving a product. In this remarketing campaign, a “tag” is used to track the visitor’s activity when your system will spot the products they are leaving. It will then show a clickable ad reminding the visitor of the product they are leaving without buying or adding to the wish list. It would again act in the same way next time when the individual visits your site once again.

Instances when you need remarketing

Your remarketing services provider will help you define the remarketing strategy. In most cases, companies adopt a long-term remarketing strategy. As the traffic in your e-commerce increases, remarketing becomes indispensable.

  • When the conversion rate is below 1-2%, remarketing helps.
  • Remarketing is important when a large number of visitors are showing interest in a product but not taking any final decision.
  • Clearing inventory may need remarketing campaigns.
  • A customer reached the shopping cart page but abandoned it.
  • A customer reached the checkout page but didn’t complete the purchase.
  • A visitor visited the website several times in the last few weeks but didn’t convert.
  • A visitor or customer enquired about a product but left the page or site.

You need a digital marketing strategy including remarketing to ensure that not a single potential buyer leaves without taking any positive action on your site. Combining remarketing with other digital marketing tools can help you improve your sale by 50%. 


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