Are You Applying For A Plot Loan? Here Are Some Top Things To Know
For many people, owning a home is one of the most significant achievements. Purchasing a plot of land is often the first and most expensive step to building your own home. Due to high land prices, many people require a plot loan to buy land. In India, the land appreciation rate is higher than the interest rates of the plot loans. That’s why purchasing land with a loan is an economically viable decision. Financial institutions provide monetary assistance to buyers to purchase land plots and parcels. Note that the plot loans are exclusively meant to construct homes. If you want to construct a commercial unit or want to use the land for agricultural purposes, you’re ineligible to apply. There are certain intricacies associated with loans for plots. So before applying for loans for plots, you should be aware of certain complications. Types of Plot Loans Loans for plots, also known as land loans, are of two types. They are: ΓΌ Loans to purchase a residentia...